Dried mulberries: useful properties and contraindications

A tall, sprawling tree with a powerful crown and elegant carved leaves is well known in many countries. It took root not only in the south, but also spread in regions with a temperate climate, well tolerating heat and frost. Mulberry berries come in several colors, black-violet and white lead, red, pink, and brownish are found. Their composition is almost the same, so you don’t need to specifically look for mulberries of a certain color for preparing a decoction, you can take any. It is more about aesthetic preferences.

Dried mulberry

Tasty centenarian

By botanical standards, a tree lives a long life, sometimes reaching the age of 500 years. The average duration ranges from 200-300. Active growth continues to 15, then almost stops, showing a slight annual increase in height. About 202 species of mulberry are known. The tree begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years of life. The crop is plentiful, up to 180-190 kg. from one tree, berries grow in small groups of several pieces.


Small oblong berries look like a blackberry, but unlike it, they easily crumple and are not subject to transportation.

Please note: a fully ripened mulberry tree can be tasted only from a branch.

The harvest is immediately processed, otherwise the juice begins to ferment, and instead of a medicine or tasty jam, a mash is obtained. This is due to the high sugar content of individual varieties. In addition, the fruits contain:

  • retinol;
  • pyridoxine;
  • vitamins C, A, group B;
  • phylloquinone;
  • resveratrol;
  • choline;
  • micro and macrocells.

The fruits are rich in magnesium and potassium, which nourish and support the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

The use of mulberry

It is called the tree of life. In the countries of Asia they treat them as a family amulet, planting them in front of the house or in the yard so that later they can gather under his crown as a family. Silkworms are grown on its leaves, hence the second name of the tree. Wood is so strong and resilient that cabinetmakers highly appreciate it.

The complex of vitamins and useful elements allows you to use berries, juice, leaves and bark as part of recipes for:

  • anemia and anemia;
  • impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • malfunctioning of the thyroid gland;
  • reduced immunity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • sluggish intestinal motility;
  • eye diseases;
  • emotional instability;
  • neurosis.

Regular consumption of fresh berries and decoctions from dried raw materials helps prevent early aging, activate the body's internal reserves, accelerate regeneration, and resistance to viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

Important: despite the high water content in the berries, they quickly dry, while maintaining beneficial properties.

Dried mulberries are easy to store until a new crop. Compotes are prepared from it in a mixture with other berries and fruits. Decoctions and infusions are recommended for course use in diseases of the cardiovascular system, including the threat of heart attack, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, and tachycardia.

Dried mulberry

Children and teens
For schoolchildren and students, decoctions of dried mulberry, fresh and canned juice from berries are useful to increase efficiency, focus, relieve emotional stress during the control and session, strengthen immunity. You can cook explosions with lemon and cinnamon to increase disease resistance during influenza epidemics.

Micro and macro elements support bone density during the period of active growth, prevent the development of rickets, restore the positive flora in the intestines in the treatment of dysbiosis.

For women's health
The composition of the berries includes a complex of antidepressants, which is necessary during menopause and during pregnancy. They level the mood, prevent the onset of depressive states. The diuretic effect relieves swelling, stimulates the kidneys, and prevents stagnation of bile. Useful elements in the composition of mulberries help with weight loss, accelerate metabolism, increase activity and performance.

In cosmetology, mulberry is used as part of bleaching and anti-aging masks to maintain healthy hair and awaken sleeping hair follicles.

For men
Regular consumption of fresh berries and decoctions of dried fruits increases testosterone production, improves sexual functions, increases male endurance, and prevents the development of prostatitis. Recommended introduction to the diet with increased mental and physical stress, regular stress, low resistance to colds.

Dried mulberries are used in tinctures, decoctions, rubbing, syrups, ointments.


With a reasonable approach, the range of restrictions on use is very narrow. Do not use the mulberry tree in any form for allergies, liver failure, type I diabetes, breastfeeding, or chronic hypertension.

The benefits of mulberry fruits are great, it supplies the body with the necessary substances, is part of traditional medicine recipes and cosmetics.

Video: features of growing mulberries

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