Husky pepper F1 - description and characteristics of the variety

Early ripe hybrid of bell pepper. The wall thickness is moderate. The plant gives high yields, both in open and in closed ground. The hybrid is famous for its high productivity and excellent taste. The fruits are sweet, dense, fragrant, very beautiful.

Husky Pepper F1

Hybrid Description

The bush is compact, low, sprawling, with dark green plentiful foliage. The pulp is fleshy and sweet. In the seed chambers, a small number of seeds ripen.

The fruits have a pyramidal, slightly elongated shape. This variety of Bulgarian pepper is recommended for cultivation in the open ground.

The hybrid is ideal for stuffing, canning. Juicy and aromatic fruit pulp contains vitamins, trace elements and carotene pigment. The plant has a fantastic yield. Pepper fruits lower cholesterol, improve metabolism and have a diuretic effect.

Despite the fact that the Husky hybrid is undersized, the garter is required. The plant is characterized by a long fruiting period. The optimal time for landing is the last decade of May. The fruiting is long, in two, three waves.

Growing seedlings

When growing pepper seedlings, use peat pots. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself from garden soil, black soil, sand and ash, but it is best to use purchased soil with a neutral pH value.

  1. The seeds are calibrated and etched before sowing, and they are processed with potassium permanganate and fungicide.
  2. Attention! Use the seeds of last year, old seeds lose their germination.
  3. Seeds are sown to a depth of 3 cm. At a temperature of 22-24 degrees, seedlings appear on the 7th day. In the early days, you need to create a microclimate for seedlings using film or glass. Shoots need to be protected from drafts.
  4. Seeds are sown in cups filled with fertile soil. To get high-quality seedlings of bell pepper in a city apartment, you can not do without additional lighting. The fact is that in March the daylight is still not long enough, and the seedlings absolutely need solar energy. Dose seedlings in the morning and evening for two hours.
  5. Without additional illumination, the seedlings stretch and turn yellow, such plants are sick for a long time after transplantation and give a meager harvest.
  6. The first top dressing with complex fertilizer is carried out 15 days after emergence.

On warm days, seedlings are put on the balcony, covering the first time with film.


You can get a high yield only if healthy and strong seedlings are planted in the ground.

Pepper hybrids love warm and moist soil. Soil temperature should not be less than 20 degrees of heat.

After the seedlings of pepper were transplanted to a permanent place in the ground, the bushes begin to grow actively, and give a lot of stepsons. Zhiruyuschie shoots and stepsons must be removed immediately. To shelter transplanted seedlings, at first they used plastic film, polycarbonate, temporary hotbeds.

To combat aphids, spraying with infusion of onions or peppers with the addition of laundry soap is used.

Water the plants only at the root. If splashes hit the foliage and fruits, burns may appear.

The fruiting of the Husky hybrid continues until the frost. A variety of Bulgarian Husky peppers is perfect for growing in large numbers on farms for sale to the population.

Video: F1 Husky Peppers

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