Can marshmallows be breastfed?

The diet of a woman after childbirth is quite limited, since breastfeeding makes you pay attention to the menu. But still, most of my favorite foods mom can afford. Dessert dishes also remain available, and those that will not only bring joy, but also saturate the body with the necessary amount of nutrients.

Breastfeeding Marshmallows

Composition of marshmallows - is it safe for mom during the period of HS?

Of all the varieties of sweets, marshmallows are superior to many desserts due to their natural ingredients. For its preparation use:

  • fruit and berry puree;
  • egg white;
  • various types of thickeners.

As for thickeners, this may be gelatin, which is obtained after the bones of cattle undergo processing. They are crushed, and then added to various products. Its use gives the marshmallow elasticity. Pectin can also be used as a soluble fiber, in marshmallows its presence is palpable due to light acidity. The agar-agar supplement, in turn, makes the marshmallows quite dense. They extract it from algae, which are rich in iodine, amino acids and vitamins, because it is such a marshmallow that is considered the best and most useful.

Is it possible with GV: the opinion of experts and the benefits of marshmallows

Doctors allow marshmallows to eat during lactation, because this sweet product belongs to the category of light desserts: only 320 Kcal is in 100 grams, and there is almost no fat. Therefore, lovers of marshmallows are not at risk of gaining excess weight, unless, of course, the measure is followed.

To maintain the body, weakened after childbirth, marshmallows can also contribute. There are practically no vitamins in it, only a small amount, but they will also positively affect the body:

  1. PP Stimulates the secretory function of the pancreas and carbohydrate metabolism, promotes better peristalsis of the stomach.
  2. AT 2. Participates in the formation of red blood cells and antibody production. Facilitates a process such as oxygen uptake by tissues.

But in this sweet quality product there are a lot of other useful substances, without which it is impossible for a person to do:

  1. Iron. It participates in the formation of hemoglobin and transports oxygen, produces energy and supports the immune system.
  2. Calcium. First of all, the state of bone tissue depends on its proper amount in the body. Also, this substance is necessarily present in the process of blood coagulation, helps to remove radionuclides and the remains of heavy metals from the body.
  3. Phosphorus. This is also an indispensable component of bone tissue. But, at the same time, he takes part in energy metabolism and many metabolic reactions. Marshmallows contain the optimal proportion of phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, which is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body as a whole.
  4. Magnesium. Helps reduce pressure and is involved in the metabolism of phosphorus.

If as a thickener use:

  1. Pectin - a product acquires the properties of lowering blood cholesterol levels. Helps the body get rid of accumulated toxic substances and metals. Reduces the risk of colon cancer.
  2. Agar-agar - means, first of all, a woman receives such an irreplaceable trace element as iodine. Its presence in the body ensures the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which has a beneficial effect on the functions of the brain and nervous system, and regulates the necessary body temperature.This substance helps maintain the normal functioning of the genitourinary system, including the uterus.

Marshmallows, thanks to the natural substances in their composition, can act as an antioxidant, neutralizing the effects of free radicals. And if antioxidant protection is maintained at the proper level, you can also protect the body from many infectious and somatic diseases.

Both tasty and healthy.

By including marshmallows in your diet, you can provide better brain activity due to the presence of glucose in the product. Nutritionists advise eating marshmallows in the afternoon, since it is at this time that the amount of glucose in the body drops sharply, and there is an opportunity to fill the deficiency with a delicious and healthy dessert dish.

The benefits of marshmallows for breastfeeding

Marshmallows may have a slight laxative effect, especially if agar agar was used in the preparation. This substance adsorbs toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract, supports the beneficial microflora in the intestines.

If you summarize the beneficial properties of marshmallows, it turns out that it brings a lot of good to a nursing woman:

  • lowers cholesterol;
  • cleanses the body;
  • promotes good mood and helps brain activity;
  • quickly saturates.

Chocolate icing, as well as various fillers improves the taste of the dessert, but it also adds calories.

Precautionary measures

Marshmallows, although useful, but restrictions during lactation should be respected. Of course, the most useful will be the marshmallows, which are prepared with their own hands, from proven ingredients.

In the first postpartum months, you should limit the use of marshmallows to a minimum, as the baby may suffer. He may be intolerant of certain components, especially protein, which will affect the allergic reaction. The stomach or intestines may also be affected. Therefore, it will be enough to eat 2 - 3 things a week.

Homemade Recipe

It is easy to make marshmallows independently:

Homemade Marshmallow Recipe

  1. Collect whole, undamaged apples, and then boil or bake them. Next, using sugar, grind to a puree consistency, it is better with a blender. The resulting mass is infused for an hour.
  2. During this time, syrup is prepared. The selected thickener must be soaked, and then simmer along with sugar over low heat, stirring constantly.
  3. Add lightly whipped protein in mashed potatoes, whisking the mass.
  4. Add the syrup to the fluffy whipped mashed potatoes and beat well again.
  5. Form a marshmallow, it is more convenient to do this with a confectionery syringe. Lay out on a tray. After a day, when the dessert is thoroughly thickened and ready, you can start tasting.

Choosing a Store Marshmallow

You need to be able to choose a store marshmallow, since not only natural components can always be in it. So that this food product can be stored for a long time, without losing its presentation, to give a taste "zest" and in order to extend the shelf life, various chemical additives are put in it. If the marshmallow is pink or other color shades, then it contains food coloring. Therefore, a nursing woman should stop her choice on white marshmallows and without a chocolate surface, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.

When choosing marshmallows, you should not pay attention to too low a price - high-quality marshmallows require large expenses for cooking, or promotional products - marshmallows are quickly perishable products.


Not all women can eat marshmallows. These categories include those who are prone to obesity, and if there is a risk of developing diabetes. Marshmallows can have a negative effect if various inflammatory processes occur in the stomach or an allergy begins due to intolerance to individual components of the product.Sweet consistency can adversely affect diseased teeth.

Video: is it possible for a sweet nursing mother?

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