Can I drink water after training?

Water is the source of life, however pathetic it may sound. Without it, life on earth simply cannot exist. This is an axiom that absolutely does not require any evidence. It is well known that with significant physical exertion there is an irresistible feeling of thirst. A person after playing sports simply wants to drink. The fact that you should not eat food for two hours before and after class has been known for a long time. Any trainer will say this. But what about water? Is it possible to drink it in sufficiently large quantities after serious physical exertion has taken place?

Can I drink water after training?

This question is so worrying about the scientific minds and experts in sports medicine that discussions have not subsided to this day. Opinions are divided diametrically opposed. Some say that there is nothing wrong with this, while others counteract a categorical ban. Their arguments boil down to the fact that the heart will not be able to withstand such enormous loads. Proponents of fluid use argue that it’s extremely important to replenish the water balance.

There is no unequivocal opinion on this matter, and you should thoroughly understand this issue, weighing and analyzing in detail all the pros and cons associated with this circumstance.

Restore water balance after completing exercise

First of all, you need to determine whether the body really needs to replenish fluid after intense physical exertion. It was found that during a two-hour training, the body is able to lose about three liters of fluid. A warmed suit, in which classes are held, also leaves a definite imprint on this. Some subjects, in parallel with classes, take medications with a pronounced diuretic effect. In this case, the loss of fluid by the body can be even more significant. In some cases, it can even reach a critical point.

It should be noted that such deprivation of fluid by the body is carried out on an exclusively voluntary basis. This circumstance can negatively affect the state of the body as a whole. With intense physical exertion in the body, a number of physiological changes occur:

  • There is an increase in body temperature.
  • Hyperhidrosis becomes pronounced.
  • Certain changes in the processes of thermoregulation are observed.

As a result, a condition can be observed in which blood viscosity indices increase significantly. This will certainly lead to the potential for fainting, hypotension, and thromboembolic complications. In addition, this situation can contribute to the formation of calculi in the kidneys, the occurrence of other pathological phenomena.

The conclusion suggests itself that water after intense physical exertion must be drunk without fail in order to restore water balance. The only question is the amount of water consumed.

How much water can be consumed?

At one time, the stomach is not able to absorb more than one liter of water. But this does not mean at all that it is precisely such a volume of water that you can drink in one gulp after the end of the lesson. Greed in this regard is not the best adviser and assistant. A measured consumption of water in small portions is required. This is necessary so as not to overload the body. He is already quite tired after strenuous physical activities and requires rest.

A single dose of fluid should not exceed 150-200 ml.The simultaneous use of large amounts of water will create an additional burden on the heart muscle. The liquid thins the blood, its viscosity decreases, and, therefore, the work of the heart intensifies in connection with a change in the rheological parameters of the blood.

The interval when taking small portions of water is a quarter of an hour. They drink water until the water balance is fully restored. It so happens that thirst after exercise is not strong. This is especially often observed in cool weather. Despite this, drinking is still necessary. Water losses must be fully compensated. It is known that water under loads is lost in approximately the same amounts and does not depend on weather conditions.

Which water is preferable?

Water after training
Drinking sweet soda will not completely quench your thirst. With such a product it is impossible to achieve the desired effect. In addition, sweetened carbonated drinks do more harm to the body than good. Mineral water will be the most ideal option for replenishing the required amount of liquid. Even better if it is without gas. Small amounts of special sports drinks are allowed. In addition to the necessary body fluids, they contain a sufficient amount of electrolytes.

Of course, in no case should you consume cold water. This prohibition is based on scientific justification. Drinking ice water can cause a reflex spasm of the heart vessels. We must not forget that the stomach is very close to the main "motor" of our body.

The heart muscle when drinking cold water is under tremendous stress. Such water is allowed to be consumed no earlier than two hours after significant physical exertion.

The result of what has been said may be the assertion that water after physical exercises should be consumed necessarily. Some opponents doubt this statement, but it is caused only by those negative consequences that are associated with the simultaneous use of large volumes of water.

A rational approach to this issue will not bring harm. On the contrary, a wagon and a small cart will be of benefit. Pure water, which has room temperature in small volumes, will only provide only benefits. There will be no harm from this, but it is quite possible to achieve a rational replenishment of the fluid lost during exercise.

The main task is the correct organization of the drinking regimen after exercise. This will ensure the achievement of excellent health and replenishment before the upcoming classes.

The ban on drinking water after exercise is nothing more than a myth. This statement came from those who intensively engaged in shaping. They believed that for effective weight loss it is necessary to remove excess water from the body. I wonder where did they get this from? It is no secret that the human body is 80% water. All biochemical reactions taking place in a complex biological system occur only in dissolved form. Where does the excess water come from in the body? On the contrary, he needs it as much as air.

Another thing is if water is consumed excessively, in quantities that the body simply does not need. There should be a reasonable approach to everything, including the use of water.

Video: can I drink water in training?

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