Can I have mushroom soup while breastfeeding?

Proper nutrition of the mother is a guarantee that with breastfeeding the baby will receive nutritious food for development and satiation. Given the direct dependence of the newborn on a nursing mother, a woman must know exactly which products are beneficial, useless or capable of harm. European doctors recommend consuming soups during lactation, but since every housewife prepares this dish differently, some recipes should be examined in more detail.

Mushroom soup while breastfeeding

To find out if there is any benefit from mushrooms for the mother and child, it is worth considering in detail the composition of the plant:


Their composition is really unique. Most of the product is water, which is 90% of all inclusions. The rest is enzymes and vitamins A, B, C, D, PP. Of the solids, proteins occupy 70%, which is what makes mushrooms attractive to vegetarians. The rich vitamin composition can be equated with the liver and yeast, but their value is significantly reduced by temperature.

The amount of minerals is insignificant, but saturating the body with potassium, phosphorus and iron is quite possible. In small quantities, mushrooms contain iodine, copper, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Scientific studies have confirmed that some mushrooms contain lenitane, a valuable substance that is a good prophylactic against cancer, and also makes the body resistant to the immunodeficiency virus. In order to prevent breast cancer in women, it is recommended to include champignons in the diet. They contain substances that inhibit the enzymes that produce estrogen. The product can be classified as dietary, which is also important.

Is mushroom soup acceptable during lactation

Slavs often prepare first courses, usually these are traditional recipes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. Previously, a woman ate her usual food, especially without thinking about the nuances, then with the advent of the long-awaited baby the rules change.

Given that mushrooms are a hard-to-digest product, women are afraid to include them in their diet at such a crucial moment in their lives. Doctors can dispel myths, listening to the recommendations of which, you will not have to globally change your diet:

  1. Mushrooms should not be completely excluded from the diet. A small amount of a quality product eaten by a mother is not capable of harming a child. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of the product, and not to use mushrooms of dubious origin.
  2. There should be no doubt in quality. These can be certified mushrooms grown on mushroom farms or collected by a professional mushroom picker in ecologically clean places. The property of mushrooms as a sponge to absorb exhaust gases and toxins of the atmosphere, eliminates the consumption of plants collected in the city, or on the outskirts of roads.
  3. Mushrooms can be cooked, but it is contraindicated for a nursing woman to eat salted or pickled.
  4. Only fresh soup should be consumed.

Important! Mushrooms are toxic. If at least one poisonous specimen gets into the dish, this can lead to poisoning not only the mother, but also the infant. When there are signs of nausea, vomiting, indigestion, do not rely on your strength. Procrastination and self-medication can end in failure. It is urgent to call a team of doctors.

Mom should carefully approach the use of mushroom soup.It must be remembered that everything is good in moderation, and the first servings of consumed dishes should be small so as not to cause discomfort in the body of the baby. After the first intake of such food, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the baby, to exclude all possible intestinal reactions and skin rashes. After a while, you can try to eat soup even by slightly increasing the portion.

Doctors do not focus on banning mushroom soup, but it is better to give preference to artificially grown varieties, oyster mushrooms and champignons. The amount of other plant species is recommended to be included in small proportions. At present, it is difficult to meet a supermarket, on the shelves of which mushrooms do not show off, therefore there should be no problems with providing the table with this product. Whenever possible, eating dried mushrooms is preferable. They are easier to digest and make the taste of the soup more pronounced.

Mushrooms cannot be called an indispensable food product, but we are not talking about their constant, daily inclusion in the diet. In case mushrooms are a frequent guest on the hostess's table, you need to know why a nursing woman should reduce her diet to a minimum:

  1. Mushrooms include a lot of protein, therefore, more energy is spent on their digestion, while the amount of nutrients entering the body is minimal.
  2. Chitin, which is part of the plant, is not digested, it is he who gives a feeling of heaviness.
  3. By means of micropores, the plant absorbs all the dirt of the surrounding atmosphere.
  4. An improperly prepared mushroom or a randomly picked false mushroom can lead to poisoning.
  5. Fungi can cause gas formation, as they can cause fermentation in the intestines.
  6. Overripe or worm-affected mushrooms can cause indigestion.

Safe Use Recommendations

Whatever decision the mother makes, she is responsible for the well-being and health of her child. If there is no doubt about the quality of the product, for a positive outcome, you must adhere to the following rules:

Is it possible for mushroom soup to nursing mother

  1. Mushrooms are boiled in salted water, changing it twice after boiling. This simple manipulation will help reduce the amount of toxic substances and harmful components.
  2. Before deciding to use a favorite product, it is recommended to wait until the child reaches 6 months of age.
  3. The first portion should not contain many mushrooms. It is enough to confine yourself to 4 small pieces and broth (100 g). The best time to start introducing a new product is morning, but still better if mom’s stomach is not empty.
  4. For at least two days, monitoring of the condition of the child continues, and it should be more thorough. Disruption of the digestive system, an allergic reaction, the urge to vomit, pallor, weakness, fever, nervousness - require immediate medical attention.
  5. Mushrooms should not become a constantly consumed product.
  6. Each subsequent use of the soup requires the same attention to the baby as after the first serving. You need to think about whether the gastronomic sophistication of such nervous shocks is worth it, because the result may be poisoning, partial or complete failure of the kidneys, liver, as well as allergic symptoms.
  7. To get at least some benefit, it is not recommended to fry mushrooms before adding to the soup. In order not to cause flatulence of the intestine, raw vegetables are not served to the soup.

In conclusion, we can conclude that the use of a delicacy is better to be postponed until the child's self-nutrition.

Video: French champignon cream soup recipe

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