Can children be given crab sticks?

Many people know that this product is not made from crab meat at all. Nevertheless, consumers fell in love with sticks for a long shelf life, palatability, and speed of preparation. The older generation uses them without fear, but what about children? Parents know firsthand how carefully they need to select the menu for their child. Many products contribute to the development of a severe allergic reaction. Maximum caution should be exercised with crab sticks. But first things first.

Can children be given crab sticks

Features of the production of crab sticks

  1. The product is obtained by processing minced fish, more precisely, its residues. Taste and pigmentation are achieved using special flavors and colorants for food. Also, additives that enhance the exposure time are introduced into the sticks. Against this background, it is difficult to judge the usefulness of the product.
  2. The basis is the remains of sulimi loin parts. However, only bona fide manufacturers use real waste. All the rest make sticks on artificial substitutes. This feature of production deprives the product of its potential benefits, especially for the younger generation.
  3. We go further. Crab sticks are stored for a long time, which is unusual for a fish product. Preservation can only be achieved by the introduction of preservatives or the production of a product only from substitutes (completely free of natural substances).
  4. A lot of examinations were carried out, during which they proved the harm of raw materials and the absence of real crab meat in the composition. Instead, the sticks are made from starch, flavor enhancers, synthetic additives, fish waste or waste substitutes, dyes, salt.
  5. Crab meat is very expensive, for 1 kg. asking about 3,500 rubles. Therefore, in sticks this delicacy is absent. On the reverse side of the pack, manufacturers compile a list of incoming components, including many substances with a “E” (120, 160, 171, 450, etc.). In developed countries, these additives have long been banned, but not in the vastness of our homeland and neighboring states.

The introduction of crab sticks in the children's diet

  1. Note that the introduction to the children's menu becomes possible when the child turns 5 years old. The digestive system is adapted, therefore, it will cope with processing and digestibility. In the process of feeding the baby, monitor the reaction of his body, start with small portions.
  2. If you decide to buy a product for children, do not take the cheapest sticks that can be found on the shelves. They are created exclusively from substitutes for fish waste and starchy substances.
  3. Crab sticks have certain prohibitions on admission, including intolerance to white varieties of fish, allergies to fish protein, soy, and seafood. Also, do not treat children with chronic gastrointestinal pathologies with this product.
  4. If the body does not give a negative reaction, gradually increase the serving. Cook salads, snacks and other goodies with chopsticks. The sticks go very well with canned corn, fresh vegetables, sour cream, mayonnaise, boiled eggs, potatoes, cabbage, etc.
  5. On the Internet there are many recipes for crab salads, which are supplemented with orange or apple slices. But salads are not limited to baby food. Experienced hostesses make cold soups, main dishes, rolls stuffed with cheese and greens on their basis.

The danger of crab sticks for the child's body

The danger of crab sticks for the child's body

  1. Today, there are many manufacturers who want to break out into leaders and sell products cheaper than competitors. Accordingly, quality suffers. Do not rely on cheapness, carefully read the composition and choose the least of all evil.
  2. Above we have described in detail what this dish consists of. Natural ingredients are out of the question. The main substances are preservatives and stabilizers that are prohibited in civilized countries. They provoke the activity of free radicals and (in large quantities) lead to the development of cancer.
  3. The digestive and urinary systems are particularly affected. These bodies take on the entire burden of processing and filtering harmful compounds. The chemistry included in the composition of the sticks provokes severe intoxication, especially for the body of babies. Of course, this is a low-quality product.
  4. The danger of sticks is poor handling of the components that make up the composition. If the conditions of production, transportation, storage are violated, most likely, pathogenic bacteria will be introduced into the product. When it enters the human body, they affect all systems, causing poisoning.

Choice of crab sticks for children

If even the above arguments did not make you change your mind, then take a responsible approach to choosing a product.

  1. Weighing sticks should be discarded, giving preference to a product in a vacuum package. Do not forget about the study of the composition and duration of exposure.
  2. Do not purchase products with ice. This indicates a violation of safety, repeated defrosting and repeated freezing. Such sticks will never be useful, especially for a child.
  3. Give preference to copies painted evenly. Good crab sticks look appetizing, shiny, famous for juiciness.
  4. You should refrain from acquiring sticks of too bright pigmentation. This means that a lot of dyes are introduced. Also read the composition, about 30% should be given to surimi.

We described the potential danger of the product to the child's body. Despite the serious arguments against crab sticks, many parents still want to treat the child with a delicious offal. In this case, start the introduction to the menu from 5 years old. Choose your product carefully to avoid consequences.

Video: what crab sticks are made of

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