When do cats begin to mark territory?

Even the most educated cat is not able to fight with his nature and marks the territory, and sometimes even the owners, as his property. The owners are ready to take any measures to avoid a specific smell in the house, but it succeeds in literally a few cases when the cat graciously agrees to limit his possession of the toilet or tray.

When cats start marking territory

Age features of cats

Taking a cat home, people immediately think about where to put the kittens. Bringing a cat, many do not remember that he will grow up and begin to mark the territory. From small animals there is almost no smell, they get used to the tray without problems, carefully doing their work and even inform the owners with their feline methods that it is time to change the filler.

The growing up of the animal is accompanied by a significant restructuring of the body, the emergence of new functions, including a sense of ownership. This is completely normal, since the cat family belongs to predators, about which they regularly remind the owners by bringing a mouse or claw scratching the upholstery of the sofa in anticipation of a successful hunt. But the main indicator that the animal has become an adult and has reached puberty is the beginning of marking the territory.

Important: pungent odor marks due to the high concentration of pheromones.

The composition of odorous marks is different from the usual use of the toilet. They contain a small amount of urine, fairly diluted with pheromones and seminal fluid. Thus, the cat claims rights to the territory and readiness for mating. Growing up depends on the breed and the general physical condition of the animal.

In conditions of free walking, the cat marks the adjacent territory, leaving odorous information on the fence, trees, corners of the house. But in the apartment, such a heavy smell, which practically does not wash and does not weather, becomes a real problem. It is difficult to find the source, since it is practically not noticeable against the background of the floor. And if the jet fell on the upholstery of furniture or curtains, then it will not be possible to derive the consequences immediately.

Call of nature
No matter how well a pet is brought up, coping with instincts is difficult. And the labels relate to them. The process looks recognizable, the cat approaches any vertical surface around the perimeter of the room, turns its back, raises its tail and twitches it, releasing a small stream with a very pungent odor. So he informs others about the rights to the territory, notifying the surrounding females that he is an adult dominant male, ready for courtship and procreation.

The power of manifestation of instinct does not depend on the living conditions of the animal. In a domestic cat, it is also pronounced, as in a wild relative.

Desire for dominance
If there are several cats in the house, the situation becomes more complicated. As soon as one of them starts the process, the avalanche will roll in increments. They argue for the championship not only with fights and wild meow, but also stubbornly interrupting the opponent’s marks. Until the chief in the house is determined, the rivalry will continue.

Despite the freedom-loving nature of the animal, it recognizes the dominant male. To do this, you need to catch the mess with red-handed, poke your nose and shake vigorously, holding the collar. If he responds with a quiet meow, then we can hope that he will recognize a stronger opponent and the marks will stop. The method is unverified and depends on the breed and nature of the pet.

Signs of growing up
It is difficult to focus on generally accepted norms in the case of a cat. The average age of entry into adulthood is after six months. Particularly early ones show the first signs by 5 months, some linger up to 8-9 and longer.

Outwardly, the outline of the muzzle changes, the cheekbones sharpen, the muscles protrude on the body, it becomes more dense, hot, in movements a special grace of a swift predator appears. Calls screaming with the help of an adult has attracted a potential partner about the imminent appearance of marks.

Preventive measure

It is difficult to deal with nature, but the owners of cats have developed several tricks.

  1. Animals usually choose certain points to which they return with enviable regularity. These places are rubbed with lemon, the approaches to them are processed with powder of red and black pepper.
  2. The animal care industry has developed a number of special products in the form of sprays, drops, powders. They are designed to discourage labeling, but their effectiveness often depends on the preferences of the cat. What worked for the neighbors will be useless for another pet.
  3. Replacing the tray can also solve the problem. Sometimes the animal is simply uncomfortable with the size or does not like the structure and smell of the filler. This is indicated by the pose of the beast, when the front legs are on the floor, he is trying to bury the results of activity, scratching his paws on the rug.

You should know: the most decisive measure against the appearance of tags in the apartment is castration.

It is carried out without waiting for the animal to grow up, if it is not planned to search for cats for breeding or organize free-range pet walking. In the adult state, it makes no sense to carry it out, the animal will continue to leave marks by inertia.

The operation is simple, healing takes place very quickly. The advantages are to stop the damage to furniture and wallpaper, reduce the aggressiveness of the animal, maintain a playful disposition, extend the life of the pet, and exclude genitourinary infections. The most important thing is that there are no tags or a heavy smell in the room.

Third-Party Causes of Tags

They can appear not only in the spring, at a time of love and a natural call. The pet will assert itself if:

  • experienced stress;
  • very scared;
  • suffered a serious illness;
  • changed place of residence;
  • saw another animal in the house;
  • feels jealous of any member of the family.

In this case, you need to give him increased attention, often stroking, showing his disposition, talking calmly, in an undertone, with a friendly tone. He will certainly answer love and affection, changing his anger to mercy and having established himself in the opinion that he remains a favorite of household members.

Video: how to get rid of cat marks 100%

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