How to store bee pollen at home

Bee pollen has unique properties; it contains 240 compounds, most of which scientists could not identify and synthesize. The secret lies in the fact that bees do not just bring collected pollen to the hive, but process it with special enzymes contained in the saliva of insects. Therefore, the product collected by man does not compare with the bee.

How to store bee pollen

Bee pollen and its varieties

Insects collect pollen, or pollen, to feed the inhabitants of the hive. Sometimes it accumulates up to 1 kg. Beekeepers leave the required amount, surpluses are withdrawn and used for medicinal purposes. The composition includes a large amount of protein, biostimulants that enhance immunity and increase the body's stamina under stress and physical exertion. Also, the cutter is used as:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-aging;
  • choleretic;
  • antitumor agent.

High effectiveness in the fight against sclerosis was noted. The content of phytohormones allows women to use it during menopause to restore hormonal balance with estrogen deficiency.

Important: Collected from various plants, pollen has different characteristics.

  1. Sage provides a diuretic effect, prevents the formation of kidney stones, stimulates the removal of sand from the bile ducts.
  2. Thyme tones, has a mucolytic effect when coughing, enhances blood circulation.
  3. Pine stalks become salvation in the fight against male problems, including prostatitis, prostate adenoma.
  4. Buckwheat returns elasticity to the vessels, preventing a stroke and a heart attack.
  5. Linden pollen is indispensable for normalizing sleep, relieving stress and anxiety.

All types contain zinc, iodine, selenium, carotene, a whole set of vitamins and minerals. To preserve this wealth is possible and necessary. The dosages required for use are several grams, so the product is used economically.

When and why bee pollen is used

If it is correctly assembled and stored in compliance with the necessary conditions, then its effectiveness remains for 2 years. Most often it is used to strengthen immunity, to increase the level of vitality and performance. In traditional medicine, it is used for:

  • treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • anemia
  • eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • frequent headaches, migraines;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • diets aimed at losing weight.

Boning is used as part of complex therapy and as an independent tool. It almost does not cause allergies, because in the process of mixing it with enzymes, they destroy the most allergenic compounds. Nevertheless, before you start taking it, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the product. Especially if you plan to give it to children and pregnant women.

The conditions for the collection and storage of pollen directly affect its quality, since after collecting certain processes are still ongoing in it, and the compounds themselves are extremely unstable.

Collection and preparation for storage

Beekeepers strictly abide by the rules of collecting the trimmings, knowing about its vagaries. It’s better to buy a ready-made product for consumption. If you bought raw, you should first dry it. For this, constant air circulation is ensured, the tray is placed in the shade at a moisture content of not more than 8 - 10% and a temperature in the range of 25-40 ° C.With regular stirring, pollen dries in 3 days.

You should know: the degree of readiness is determined by the hardness of the peas. The second sign is a metal knock when pouring pollen onto a sheet of tin.

Methods and storage periods

Methods and terms of storage of bee pollen
It is most convenient to distribute pollen among small containers. It is used in small dosages, and in open form it quickly loses its healing properties. To disinfect, the cans are dry sterilized in an oven, then pollen is poured and the can is rolled up or closed with a vacuum lid.

Mixing it with young liquid honey in 1: 1 proportions will help preserve the product. It can be eaten with a spoon for colds and during an influenza epidemic to prevent and enhance immunity. The intake rate is 15 g. pollen per day for an adult, 4 gr. for babies up to 3 years, from 8 to 12 gr. for teens.

Another way is to mix it with powdered sugar at the rate of 1: 2. Sugar is not suitable for this purpose, small particles of pollen do not stick to granules, the mixture gradually exfoliates, losing useful properties and turning into a product with a high protein content, but with valuable compounds destroyed.

In sealed packaging on the top shelf of the refrigerator, fresh, non-preserved pollen is stored for about 6 months. In a mixture with honey, the period reaches 5 years, acquires a mild taste, in which a small pollen bitterness dissolves. In this form, children willingly eat it, forgetting about sweets and marmalades. In a hermetically sealed glass jar, the slipper does not lose its properties for 1.5-2 years. Store the product in a dark, dry, cool place.

It is impossible to freeze, at a temperature difference all useful properties are lost.

Secrets of the right choice

The quality of pollen purchased affects the shelf life and content of nutrients. In order not to be mistaken, you need to pay attention to the fact that:

  1. When collecting pollen has a bright saturated color.
  2. The heterogeneity of the particles proves its naturalness.
  3. A well-dried mash in the cold becomes faded.
  4. It is almost impossible to crush peas with fingers.

If unprocessed pollen is purchased, then you need to immediately buy a jar of fresh honey for mixing. It is convenient to use a blender or mixer, monitoring the degree of dissolution until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

You should not buy a product along roads and near large enterprises and livestock complexes. The cutter quickly absorbs third-party odors and harmful substances from car exhausts and industrial emissions. This product can be poisoned.

It is best to maintain health and carry out prophylaxis during the off-season by natural means; pollen is perfectly suitable as a universal remedy for children and adults.

Video: how to save bee pollen

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