How to make frost-free at home

Many people from school know the peculiarity of water, which says that at temperatures below 0 degrees it crystallizes, turning into a solid state. Simply put, the water freezes, turning into a block of ice. Every motorist knows firsthand that the problem becomes apparent in the winter season. Even without a washing fluid, it’s difficult to drive a couple of kilometers in severe weather. To exclude this feature, it is necessary to prepare a composition with the addition of alcohol-containing components. They will not allow water to freeze, greatly simplifying the life of motorists.

How to make an anti-freeze

Composition of automotive washer fluid

Some prefer to buy a ready-made omyvayka, while spending a tidy sum. Other drivers, on the contrary, want to experiment, so they resort to cooking non-freezing at home. Consider the basic composition by which the liquid is prepared.

  1. When washer fluid is produced for industrial purposes, it contains basic components. This includes alcohol, water, surfactants (surfactants), flavorings.
  2. If we talk about domestic manufacturing companies, they add isopropanol (monohydric alcohol) as the alcohol base. Products based on this compound are notable for their low price category, but they have a peculiarity - a sharp unpleasant odor. To eliminate the oversight, manufacturers add flavoring agents that can not cope with the task (judging by the numerous reviews).
  3. Ethyl (food) alcohol is considered one of the common and widely used components that do not allow water to freeze. However, by excise measures, Russia refused to use this compound. In rare cases, you may find TOP formulations with the addition of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), but they will be too expensive.
  4. There is also an alcohol base called methanol. It is quite cheap, so it is widely used for industrial purposes in Europe. The main feature of methanol is considered to be that it does not freeze even at a temperature of -96 degrees, this is an undeniable plus. The compound also does not have an unpleasant odor, but upon evaporation it has a negative effect on the human body. In Russia, methanol is banned, because it causes addiction in "a certain category of citizens."
  5. From the foregoing, we can conclude that there is practically no choice. You can purchase washer fluid at an affordable price based on isopropanol or ethyl alcohol. Some unscrupulous suppliers sell non-freezing methanol on the highway, which adversely affects the pipes of the car. In the first two options, drivers are faced with an overabundance of flavorings, in the second they receive toxic poisoning. For this reason, it is important to learn how to prepare a washer fluid yourself.

Ethanol based anti-freeze

To save yourself and relatives from the suffocating smell of alcohol, use your own production. All components are available in terms of pricing.

  1. You will need directly ethyl alcohol, distilled water, high concentration antifreeze (can be replaced with ethylene glycol), essential oils (the smell is chosen at your discretion).
  2. Many people, having read the list of necessary components, will be interested in ethylene glycol. It is necessary in order to dissolve alcohol and water in the cold, giving the liquid the necessary concentration.Ethylene glycol does not allow alcohol to evaporate, significantly increasing the duration of the anti-freeze action.
  3. If we talk about the ratio, a solution of non-freezing liquid is prepared from two parts of water and one part of ethyl alcohol. Judge by the temperature characteristics of your region, vary the composition depending on the indicators.
  4. Here are the calculations for a five-liter bottle, in which you need to add ethyl alcohol in certain proportions. If the temperature in your area of ​​car use is above -5 degrees, add 600 ml. With an indicator of -10 degrees - 1.1 liters, -15 - 1, 2 liters, -20 - 1.6 liters, -25 - 2.2 liters, -30 - 2.6 liters.
  5. After mixing water and alcohol, ethylene glycol must be added. The calculation is as follows: pour 15 g. for every minus degree. For example, for a temperature of -30 degrees you will need 450 grams. ethylene glycol.
  6. You can replace ethylene glycol with antifreeze. Handle liquids carefully as they are toxic enough. Wear rubber gloves, protect your airways and eyes. If possible, replace ethylene glycol with propylene glycol, it is harmless.
  7. To rid the non-freezing liquid of the smell of alcohol, you can use food flavoring or a special gel with various odors. However, we recommend making the composition natural. Buy in the pharmacy the ether of your favorite plant or fruit, add 3 ml. on a five liter canister, mix.
  8. Shake the anti-freeze thoroughly before each use, as essential oils often rise to the surface. If you wish, you can pour 35 g. automatic powder so that the liquid has cleansing properties.

Isopropyl alcohol based non-freezing agent

This option for the preparation of washer fluid differs in the speed of mixing the components. In the end, you will get a ready-made freezer after 5-10 minutes.

Isopropyl alcohol based non-freezing agent

  1. The procedure will require water, isopropyl alcohol, as well as a dishwashing detergent that does not contain chlorine.
  2. To improve the quality of water, pass it through a household filter or boil it. You can use melt liquid, cooling it to room temperature. Otherwise, after using omyvayki on the windshield of the car you will see a white coating, stains and small rust. You can also use distilled water, it is inexpensive.
  3. To begin with, determine what you will prepare the non-freezing liquid. You can choose both a two-liter bottle and a five-liter container, it all depends on personal preferences. After that, we proceed to mixing the ingredients (calculations are given for 5 liters of the composition).
  4. Pour 2 liters of distilled or filtered water into a container, add as much isopropyl alcohol, shake. Carefully unscrew the lid, pour in 60 ml. means for cleaning dishes. Cork again, mix composition. The resulting anti-freeze is suitable for use at temperatures up to -20 degrees (1: 1 ratio). If desired, more isopropyl can be added to improve performance.

Other methods of non-freezing

  1. Methanol. Mix distilled water and methanol in a 9: 1 ratio. Add 20 gr. powder machine or 40 ml. dishwashing liquids. Such a move will give non-freezing cleansing properties. It is important to remember forever that when mixing the ingredients, it is necessary to protect the eyes, skin of the hands and respiratory tract.
  2. Salt vinegar. An excellent tool that is characterized by a safe composition and ease of preparation. Mix table vinegar solution with a concentration of 9% with distilled or boiled water in a ratio of 50:50. Add 30 ml. dishwashing liquid, shake the container. Ready non-freezing liquid can be used at temperatures up to -10 degrees.
  3. Ammonium chloride (ammonia). To prepare non-freezing liquid according to this recipe, it is necessary to mix ammonia and filtered water in a ratio of 1: 3. Ensure that foam does not form during ammonia infusion. Add the component along the walls of the tank. The composition is used at a temperature of at least -10 degrees. To increase the characteristics, pour in table vinegar in an amount of 15% of the total volume.

Consider industrial technologies for preparing non-freezing fluid. Make a composition of table vinegar, methanol and dishwashing liquid, ammonia. Add your favorite essential oils as flavorings; they are sold in cosmetics stores and pharmacies.

Video: from which you can make an anti-freeze

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